By the end of this programme, participants will:
- Understand the principles of water flooding and its role in enhanced oil recovery.
- Analyze reservoir properties and fluid behavior critical for effective water flood design.
- Learn to design water flood systems, including pattern selection and well placement.
- Evaluate water flood performance using material balance, recovery factors, and reservoir simulation.
- Identify challenges in water flooding, such as breakthrough, conformance, and water management, and strategies to mitigate them.
Fundamentals of Waterflooding and Reservoir Properties
- Introduction to waterflooding and its importance in enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
- Overview of reservoir engineering concepts related to waterflooding
- Fluid and rock properties influencing waterflood performance:
- Wettability, permeability, porosity, capillary pressure
- Analysis of the Complexity Index and its role in predicting ultimate recovery
- Exercises: Assessing reservoir suitability for waterflooding
Analytical Techniques for Waterflood Design
- Key analytical methods for waterflood optimization:
- Buckley-Leverett analysis
- Welge analysis for fractional flow
- Dykstra-Parsons coefficient for heterogeneity evaluation
- Displacement mechanics: Dietz displacement and stability criteria
- Streamline analysis for understanding fluid flow in reservoirs
- Exercises: Application of analytical techniques to field data
Well Architecture, Pattern Design, and Monitoring Techniques
- Impact of well architecture on waterflood efficiency
- Designing waterflood patterns: Inverted 5-spot, 9-spot, and line drive patterns
- Monitoring techniques for waterflood performance:
- Water breakthrough detection
- Conformance evaluation and optimization
- Introduction to performance analysis for waterflood reservoirs
- Exercises: Designing waterflood patterns and interpreting monitoring data
Production Optimization and Enhanced Recovery
- Strategies for optimizing waterflood production:
- Injection rate optimization
- Water management strategies
- Handling geological complexities
- Novel techniques for quick recovery factor estimation
- Integration of waterflood design with long-term EOR strategies
- Exercises: Production optimization scenarios
Advanced Applications and Case Studies
- Review of advanced waterflood techniques and considerations for complex geological structures
- Brief overview of waterflood EOR options: polymer flooding, surfactant flooding
- Case studies: Successful waterflooding projects and lessons learned
- Group discussions: Applying course concepts to real-world challenges
- Final exercises: Comprehensive waterflood design and performance evaluation